Monday 20 August 2018


Sky News'  Beth Rigby is forecasting that a political crisis (HERE) could well happen later this year as both sides in the debate begin to prepare for the next battle in the never ending Brexit campaign. I think this is a virtual certainty. She says the government's first tranche of 84 technical papers to help inform the public and businesses what to do in the event of a no deal, to be released this week will be "weaponised" by both sides. I agree with this too.

Mrs May is in an impossible position. It is hard to see her plan surviving the party conference. The Brexiteers don't like it, neither does the public and Brussels have rejected it anyway. What happens then?  A crisis must be the likely outcome and perhaps a general election and everything is blown wide open again.   Meanwhile as we saw in The Sun on Sunday poll, 59% of people are bored with Brexit - something that will be forced down their throats for the next few years at the very least.

Meanwhile The Telegraph (HERE) report that MPs are demanding more expenses to cope with their rising Brexit workload!  Some Brexiteers might want to begin drafting up something to say at the factory gates as the European companies shift operations. And to get ready for the angry jobless and housewives unable to buy their favourite food, turning up at their constituency offices. 

Life is certainly going to get interesting but there is still everything to play for.