Wednesday 29 March 2017

Brexit DAY - 729, ARTICLE 50 IS FINALLY INVOKED. the European Commission must be relieved that we have at last started the clock ticking

Theresa May is finally to send the Article 50 letter of notification that we intend to leave the EU at 12:30 GMT today. What a terribly sad time for we remainers. I do believe we have to go through with it if only to prove one way or the other who was right in the referendum. Was it all scaremongering? Do we have a prosperous future ahead? There is a very long road ahead of us, no doubt with many twists and turns along it, and anything can happen. If it begins to look bad economically perhaps public opinion will change quickly, who knows.

We have a very uncertain two year clock ticking. At the end there might be a massive celebratory firework display or the sound of a huge train wreck. No one knows.

Update:  The Prime Minister's letter is HERE and is notable for a few things. She mentions the "deep and special partnership" she wants to negotiate any number of times as if she was afraid they might not understand it. We already have a deep and special relationship with the EU, it's called membership, but we voted against it.

She repeats several times that we want the EU to succeed - by weakening it!  And it is clear she is desperate to negotiate a FTA and withdrawal at the same time because this crops up at least three times. The EU say this is not possible. She acknowledges we will have to comply with EU rules over which we have no control and where 44% of our exports go - amazing!