Wednesday 15 March 2017


Julian Sturdy, MP for York Outer, greeted the result of the referendum on June 24th last year with enthusiasm (HERE) and described it as "absolutely amazing". He made it sound like he was a contestant, with an exceptionally low IQ and limited vocabulary, on one of those afternoon game shows after winning a small prize. But no, he had actually got the earth shaking result he wanted.  His reaction was a little bit mixed since later on he had to express disappointment that the result was apparently so "amazing" the prime minister had resigned!

But what he said was interesting. This is part of it, "As politicians we must now respect the view of the people and work hard to deliver a brighter future for our country. That being said this was far from a clean sweep for Leave, with York solidly voting Remain along with 48% of the country. 

"The next few months will be about building bridges across the country, with our European neighbours, and within the Conservative Party".

Julian in a "spot the ass" contest
Translated this means we must respect the view of "the people" - but not "the people" he is actually paid to represent, their view was that the future was brighter in the EU, rather than out of it. But he ignored them as being of no real importance at all. And on that "absolutely amazing" note, trowel in hand and a bag of ready mixed dry mortar slung across his shoulder, he was off building bridges, stopping in Tadcaster first presumably to help there. It's a great life as an MP, £74,000 a year and all the hypocrisy you can manage, plus expenses of course.

Update: It seems Mr Sturdy's constituents are trying to arrange a public meeting with him but poor old Julian is clearly utterly exhausted building all those bridges across the country he can barely find the time.