Tuesday 20 June 2017


A report by Pew Research, a US Fact Tank (their description) have published a report (HERE) which will make grim reading for Nigel Farage and the Brexiteers. It shows that public sentiment about the EU, far from sinking after our vote last year, has actually leaped higher, as you can see from the chart below. This is particularly true in Germany, Spain and France. Only Italy showed a fall but was still over 50%.

The median figure for people wanting to leave the EU across the nine countries surveyed was just 18%. Greece and Italy had the highest level of support for exit but even here more than half wanted to retain membership of the EU.

Brexit may have unwittingly increased support for the EU among the waverers. I think when anyone looks at the mess we have got ourselves into it must be a clear warning to others not to follow on our path. The EU will now make sure we get a worse deal than we have at present just to hammer the point home.

The Independent's take on it is HERE while The Spectator tries to rubbish the findings by suggesting because many people would like to have referendum, they are somehow unhappy with the status quo (HERE).