Wednesday 19 July 2017


Feelings are running high in cabinet with an unnamed cabinet minister saying that Hammond is trying to mess (he used a slightly stronger word beginning with f) up Brexit (see SKY HERE). There seems to be something close to panic in the ranks of the Brexiteers, that somehow their great plan will be thwarted.

It does not take a genius to see that whatever is negotiated will be regarded as a sell out by those who want a hard Brexit and as a disaster by the fervent Remainers. No one is going to be happy. David Davis would need to have the wisdom of Solomon to reach an agreement that satisfies both sides and I think by common agreement he is not a genius although unfortunately for us (and him) he thinks he is.

According to The Telegraph on Monday (HERE) open warfare is breaking out among cabinet ministers with claims that Phillip Hammond is trying to "frustrate" Brexit. I do not see how we will be able to reach any kind of settled position on Brexit while people at the very pinnacle of government, those who are actually in possession of the facts, or are as close to "facts" as we can get, cannot agree among themselves what the best route is to exit the EU.

Ultimately, it all comes down to the amount of damage one is prepared to accept. The lunatic Brexiteers (Cash, Redwood, Fox, Jenkins, etc) would prefer to see a wasteland as long as we leave the EU completely, while others (Hammond, Green, Fallon) do not want to see any damage at all and would probably like to see us remain in the EU. Let battle commence!

Mrs May strangely does not even seem to be engaged in this at all.