Friday 6 October 2017


Sam Coates at The Times is, I believe, well connected and has a piece in Thursday's edition (HERE) about the fragile cabinet "unity", if that's the right word. He says Mrs May has projected an image of the cabinet as all working together to achieve the best deal for Britain or to deliver Brexit. She has apparently tried to limit cabinet discussion because she knows how divided they are. This is why Brussels is so frustrated with us. There is no clarity.

But time is running out. The government, in the next few weeks must reach a common position, and Coates claims this will lead to some resignations with Andrea Leadsom being suggested as the favourite. Let us hope the useless harridan does quit.

They are going to have to confront the problem and must now realise they cannot have their cake and eat it. 
Coates puts it like this:

A cabinet showdown is expected within weeks over how closely Britain should continue to mirror EU rules after Brexit, the type of permanent payments Britain is prepared to make and the trade-off between immigration and market access.

These are issues that should have been hammered out before the referendum. They are hard choices that the British people should have been made aware of. Even if they were not on the ballot paper at least voters would have seen that Brexit was not going to be easy. As it is we have used up a quarter of our negotiating time without a clear idea of where we are headed.