Wednesday 25 October 2017


An academic study by a German professor has concluded that Brexit will be more complex than the 1960s moon landings (HERE). Davis has more than once claimed the same thing himself but now it has been scientifically proven. But there are many key differences between Brexit and the US attempt at landing men on the moon.

First, Brexit is said by the report to be not just more complex but "incomparably"so. Second, the Apollo missions had an easily defined measure of success - all they had to do was get men on the moon. Third, the fact that all the participants were working together in a cohesive and determined effort. Fourth, they had ten dry runs to practice before making that actual attempt. Fifth, failure would have been disappointing but it wouldn't have broken the nation. And finally, the US programme was run by people who were smart, intelligent and, dare I say it, expert.

Compared to the moon landings, Brexit is ill defined and driven by idiots none of whom have done anything like it at all. And far more complex, with far less time available, they will have just one crack at it with failure having incalculable consequences for the future of an entire people. What could possibly go wrong?