Saturday 7 October 2017


Channels 4 did another piece in the seven o'clock news the other night (HERE), this time with a group of remainers. Having watched the previous programme last week with all leavers I was hoping for more agreement but I was really disappointed. There was almost as much divergence of opinion among the remainers as there had been between leavers the week before. I think what can be concluded is that almost no one understands what Brexit actually means.

I was surprised how many remainers now say we must accept the result and get on with it. As if having been part of a group voting by a small margin to throw themselves off a cliff, one has to do it rather than try to convince the others they are wrong. Some, it seemed to me to, had  a belief that leaving the EU or staying in were broadly similar options, with little to choose between them.

The great majority of voters on both sides still don't realise the implications. The leave scaremongering accusations are still effective. In May 2016 David Davis said about the British people "they want to be given the full facts" (HERE) but they were not given any facts and amazingly after fifteen months, we still have none.