Saturday 14 October 2017


Open Britain has accused the PM of making contradictory statements about her own Brexit plans (HERE) and not having a coherent policy. This stems from her speech in Florence where she said during the transition period we would follow “the existing structure of rules and regulations”. If the EU thought this was clear Mrs May herself and some of her ministers have subsequently issued what appear to be seriously contradictory statements.

I don't believe this is deliberate more a failure to understand how the EU works but what is the Commission and M Barnier to make of these statements apparently made after the Florence speech:
  • The Prime Minister insisted Britain would not accept the “four pillars” required for single market membership including “free movement, continued in perpetuity ECJ [European Court of Justice] jurisdiction”.
  • Mrs May also said “when we leave the European Union, we will leave the Common Fisheries Policy”.
  • The Prime Minister and others repeatedly insisted Britain would be free to negotiate new free trade agreements, during a transition period.
  • The Prime Minister and others repeatedly insisted Britain would be free to negotiate new free trade agreements, during a transition period.
  • Mr Davis’ deputy, Robin Walker, vowed that, after March 2019, the UK “will be free to change the law where they decide it is right to do so”.
  • Commons Leader Andrea Leadsom, the Leader of the House Commons, said that the “four freedoms end in 2019”.
The Florence speech and the comments above are completely incompatible but are apparently what the prime minister and senior members of her administration believe is government policy.