Tuesday 3 October 2017


This article (HERE) by the Director of food policy at the British Retail Consortium is a warning about what a no deal exit and trade under WTO terms would mean for food prices in the UK. A quarter of the food sold by major retailers is imported and of that, 80% comes from Europe. If we fall back on WTO tariffs for prices are likely to rise for many basic foodstuffs.

Cheese could increase by 30% and tomatoes by 22% if domestic producers increase prices in response. At the lower end of estimates food might increase by 5-9%.

Andrew Opie also stresses the importance of reciprocal arrangements on customs and other checks to avoid delays but as I understand it, once we become a third country delays at border crossings will be unavoidable, regardless of whether or not we get a deal. This is a matter of EU law. Under WTO rules they cannot permit the UK to have better access than that enjoyed by other non EU nations so we will be subject to the same checks and customs paperwork as these other third countries.

Can any government knowingly allow this?