Sunday 8 October 2017


Last week the EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier addressed the European Parliament (HERE). The whole speech should be printed on the front page of every newspaper but it won't. He said some very clear and obvious things but the most important was this:

The United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union. That was its sovereign decision. It is also leaving – as the UK government made clear – the Single Market and the Customs Union. After 44 years of integration, I would recommend that nobody underestimates the complexity and the legal, human, social, economic, and financial difficulties of this decision. And I recommend that those who made this decision should shoulder the consequences.

And listen to this for a put down to Farage who had spoken earlier:

There is something which you [Farage] have said, ladies and gentlemen, which I do not understand: the idea that I, as a European negotiator, or the European Union as a whole, are delaying things, or are trying to keep the United Kingdom in the Union. Ladies and gentlemen, the referendum in the United Kingdom took place on 23 June 2016. We received Theresa May's letter notifying us of the UK's intention to leave on 29 March 2017. Because of the elections in the UK, we waited until the end of June 2017 to begin the negotiations. We are not using delaying tactics. You took your time, and we respected that, but frankly I cannot accept your criticism. We are ready to intensify the rhythm of the negotiations, as much as necessary.

There are Brexiteers in this country who are already trying to shift the blame onto others, including the EU, and some even suggesting the EU is "dragging its heels" as our MEP Syed Kamall said recently (HERE). No, the EU didn't ask for Brexit but are doing their best to make sure we leave in an orderly way.