Tuesday 3 October 2017


BoJo's article in The Telegraph and his interview with The Sun seems to have done the trick for him. In the latest Conservative Home survey (HERE) he is now the favourite to replace May as leader. But at 21% this is not a vote of confidence in him. Other or none of the above came second on 18.7% with Rees-Mogg third on 15%. Last month Johnson was on 7% and languishing in the popularity stakes.

I don't think Conservative Home is exclusively for party members but it's an indication of Conservative thinking. What we can conclude is that the Tories have lost the plot and are struggling to find a clear successor. 

We should be encouraged by this. If they think a cheat, liar and professional fool like Johnson, who is never seen without his backside hanging out and seems to have insulted every world leader at one time or another, is leadership material then they are only hastening their inevitable end. 

If he ever becomes prime minister Britain will become a basket case, or even more of one than it is now. He is a chaotic, thoughtless, self-serving idiot who writes amusing articles but has no interest in the truth or in the details. Leading the nation over the next few years needs someone who can speak the truth to the British people, a statesman who can lead us away from the cliff edge and explain why Brexit must be reversed. It cannot be him.

An article in The Guardian (HERE) takes an opposite view to Conservative Home, with a picture showing BoJo jogging with the editor of The Sun. They believe power is slipping away from the foreign secretary - if indeed he ever had any - as the Conservative's crumble in the polls. From TV coverage of the conference it is clear he is not always as popular as he thinks he is.