Friday 20 October 2017


John Redwood has lived in a world of his own making for years. He used to be described as the Vulcan and one can often understand why. There is an other worldly character about him as he comes out with absolutely unbelievable rubbish in a quiet calm voice as if he is uttering some great biblical truth. This week he tweeted - "I do not think Brexit is the main reason for the fall in the pound against the dollar since 2015...." (HERE).

What he got was a tirade of responses. Many said that only the first four words were true!

Others pointed out what a coincidence it was that the rate fell 20% on the morning after the vote. And one pointed to a column Redwood wrote in August 2016 where he himself said:


Which rather undermined his own claim and showed that he anticipated the fall in Sterling leading up to the referendum. Also he declined to say what he thought the main reason was if not Brexit. I think it shows for a Brexiteer like him Brexit has no downsides and cannot be blamed for anything - even the things that Brexiteers themselves have actually blame it for!