Sunday, 29 October 2017

WHERE ARE WE HEADED? Even the cabinet do not know.

We live in a Kafkaesque world for sure but I always assumed at the very heart of government there were people of exceptional talent using clear thinking and logical deductions to guide the great ship of state. If that was ever true at any time in our history, it isn't true now.  The Sun tells us (HERE) that the cabinet has not yet discussed the trade deal which we are seeking with the EU.

This is stunning in itself after Mrs May has been PM for well over a year, but Tom Newton-Dunn heads his article with: The PM will not ask her top table to agree what conditions Britain is prepared to accept from Brussels in exchange for it until the EU has first laid out its own terms.

What conditions we are prepared to accept? He still thinks we will have a choice! 

And Mrs May herself has said many times that she won't agree to a transition deal until we know where we are heading (HERE) but we haven't yet discussed where we want to go! Such is the position of the nation that voted to take back control. We are adrift and rudderless in a storm-tossed sea, the crew have broken the compass and are now simply waiting to see where the changing wind takes us. It is anybody's guess.

Mrs May became PM with the famous "Brexit means Brexit" slogan but here we are fifteen months later and it turns out that still no one, least of all Mrs May actually knows what this famous tautology really means.