Saturday 4 November 2017


It looks like the Conservatives are beginning to crumble. I always thought that Brexit would be the death of the party (HERE) and (HERE). However, I assumed it would be killed off by the electorate but it's starting to look like a murder-suicide pact by Tories themselves. Consider this article (HERE) in The Telegraph yesterday. It claims Andrea Leadsom, the leader of the House metaphorically knifed the Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon, because he was trying to get her sacked.

One politician stabbing another is hardly news I know, but firstly, the circumstances are amazing and secondly his replacement is the arachnophile Chief Whip, Gavin Williamson, a man for whom the word non-entity might have been specially commissioned. He looks and sounds like a seventeen year old vicar's mate from Scarborough, catapulted into one of the highest offices of state.

Even this is not the most amazing thing. Colleagues of Leadsom (I wonder who that was?) say she is positioning herself to become (don't laugh) Chancellor of the Exchequer if and when Mr Williamson replaced Theresa May as Prime Minister! Whoever said this must have been on mind altering drugs at the time but it is nevertheless reported in one of our heavyweight broadsheets.

On the same day (the same day!) it's reported the International Development Secretary, Priti Patel, had meetings with pro Israeli groups while on holidayand  which the Foreign Office knew nothing about (HERE). These were unscheduled, unminuted meetings without civil servants present as if she has gone completely off piste and is running a parallel foreign policy of her own.

Then the congenital idiot masquerading as Foreign Secretary pops up saying he is "mystified" by the closure of a police station in his Uxbridge constituency (HERE). The closure took place under a policy introduced by the previous Mayor of London. Who was that person? None other of course than the fat fraud himself.

And the day is mercifully brought to an end by the news that Charlie Elphicke, the Tory MP for Dover and committed Brexiteer, is being reported to the police (HERE) by his own party for what are described as serious allegations. What he is supposed to have done is not explained.

I should say that the news about Gavin Williamson may not be all bad. He voted remain and knows a lot about the private life of Tory MPs. If he can avert Brexit by keeping the Brexiteers in check, he may be forgiven.

No party can survive by relying for support on the elderly, the infirm of mind and the duped or the misguided. Elderly people die and the rest are always at risk of being enlightened at any moment. It is not a sustainable position. The young and the educated overwhelmingly reject the current brand of Conservatism, and Brexit can only make matters worse. The party that I supported for years is finished. Of that I am convinced.

Labour are almost as bad. I think it was Oscar Wilde who said the supreme vice was shallowness. If that's true it's perhaps not surprising that we seem to have the most immoral and corrupt parliament we have ever had.  A sizeable section of the House of Commons is made up of lightweight chancers all out to further their own ends at our expense.