Wednesday 15 November 2017


I think some leavers genuinely believed the referendum result would put an end to the arguments over Europe, and everyone would come together behind Brexit. This was never likely to happen, but in the months that followed, as it became clear that nobody had a plan or even a single unifying objective on the Brexit side, the divisions have returned with ever greater force and reach. Cracks are now appearing in the winning Brexit camp while remainers seem far more coherent and united.

Davis is said to be furious with Gove and Johnson for interfering in the Brexit process (HERE) after they wrote a secret letter to the PM trying to promote their ideas on Brexit. Never mind about their own departments, they want to run DEXEU as well!

In the "secret" letter Gove and Johnson attack Hammond (HERE) saying they were, "profoundly worried that in some parts of government the current preparations are not proceeding with anything like sufficient energy".

Then the Department for International Trade, run by that other arch Brexiteer Liam Fox, apparently "accidentally" tweeted a link to a report by Economists for Brexit which accuses The Treasury of "making a mess" of its forecasts (HERE). This is one arm of government attacking another.

Meanwhile Jacob Rees-Mogg, apparently a potential candidate for the next leader of the Tories, officially launches the Economists for Brexit report (HERE) and says it's time to "look beyond" the projections for Brexit provided by the government’s OBR (Office for Budget Responsibility).

“I am confident that the UK’s medium-term fiscal prospects are much better than those that will be revealed to you by the OBR’s short-term projections,” he said. “It does its work worthily and reputably but based on false assumptions supplied to it by the Treasury.”
God help us if he ever becomes prime minister. Official forecasts would be destined for the waste paper bin and government would be carried out according to his deluded assertions.