Monday 27 November 2017


Liam Fox may finally be coming to realise it isn't the EU which is blocking our exports but our own exporters (HERE). He claims UK businesses don't want to export goods. But it has always been blindingly obvious that if we can't export into the EU when the playing field is perfectly level we will never do it operating under WTO rules or even a FTA. This has always been my position but Fox up to now seemed convinced the only thing stopping us was the EU regulations or lack of a FTA.

Germany exports to China about five times what we manage so it was always clear that it wasn't EU regulations or the absence of FTAs to blame. Fox ignored the evidence and in typical Brexiteer fashion thought the EU was somehow at the bottom of it.

And working with the WTO is not going to be easy. Australia, a supposed ally, is objecting to the way we intend to split quotas (HERE) which does not bode well for our future trade with them.

As time goes on I expect he will realise EU regulations actually help trade. Who knows he may even become a remainer!