Friday 10 November 2017


To recycle an old joke, Davis has only two faults - everything he says and every thing he does. Remember he told us German industry would pressurise their government to give us a good deal? Or how he has tried to go over the heads of the Commission and Michel Barnier? Well he could not have been more wrong. At a meeting of EU ambassadors on Wednesday Barnier was apparently "under a bit of pressure" not to allow talks on trade until the withdrawal issues have been resolved.

Germany in particular (HERE) was said to be the leading state in the 27 urging Barnier to "take a stricter line". This was at a meeting of EU ambassadors on Wednesday night.

So it appears that Michel Barnier, far from being the road block, is seen as trying to help us. And the people Davis was hoping he could appeal to to take a softer line are actually urging Barnier to be tougher! There could hardly be a clearer misreading of the position and this is after umpteen meetings with Barnier, Juncker and heads of governments across Europe both at summits and bilaterally. Don't they talk?  Do we think they're just bluffing? Or is it that we simply listen but don't hear, that we look and don't see?  I suspect the latter.

Brexiteers are blind to everything except leaving the EU at all costs and under any circumstances.