Thursday 23 November 2017


Brexit is like a multi faceted Rubiks cube. Very complicated. When your attention is focused on one aspect you rotate it and find another problem has come to the fore. So it is with Gibraltar. The Irish border question has hogged the limelight for a while and the rock has fallen out of sight. Now The Guardian (HERE) say that Gibraltar may be out of the EU abruptly in March 2019 without any transition because the UK government hasn't offered any proposals.

This is not a surprise, I just wonder how many other issues are passing silently under the radar because the government is simply overloaded with other more pressing issues. According to Madrid, our government has failed to come up with any proposals for Gibraltar at all and without an agreement being reached with the Spanish government, Gibraltar is out at 11pm UK time on 29th March 2019.

Overnight, this part of the UK will suddenly become a third country with a hard border.

The PM of Gibraltar has previously said a hard Brexit would prove to be an "existential" threat to the territory. It relies on thousands of Spanish workers crossing the border every day.