Sunday 3 December 2017


The EU's negotiating position is weak, so begins an article on the Brexit Central website (HERE).  This seems so far from the truth that one doubts the sanity of the author. This is someone called Roger Kendrick, described as a serial entrepreneur. Not just an entrepreneur note, but a serial one!  Brexit Central is in a very bad way when it is publishing articles that are so unreal to say the least, but also produced by people you have never heard of.

The writer says:

So now is the time to hold firm. The great EU exporters to the UK – like Germany and Ireland – desperately need a trade deal with the UK and all Theresa May needs to do is to stand firm and wait for the EU to face the facts.

This is essentially David Davis' old position from articles and speeches both before and after the referendum. Basically the EU needs us more than we need them. Davis has changed his mind but Roger Kendrick still clings to hope.

He seems oblivious to what's actually happening in Brussels. He is articulating a fantasy. If the EU was as desperate as he claims one would have thought they would be pressing us hard to conclude a deal, but as this article HERE explains they are not in any rush. Apparently, the optimism that we had at the start of last week is beginning to evaporate, with some people saying we are a million miles away from a deal. It is clear to me that the desperation is all on our side.

Yet to Roger Kendrick it is the EU, the very people that refused to move on to trade in October citing insufficient progress, who need us more than we need them.

This is confirmation bias in action. He looks but doesn't see, listens but doesn't hear.

Mr Kendrick is on the board of directors of a company called GameAccount Network, described as a software company providing social gaming, online casino gaming and operational support - whatever that is. I assume it's essentially online gambling otherwise known as taking advantage of people who can't control the urge to bet.

There is website called Crunchbase HERE where I found Mr Kendrick after a bit of Googling. It lists important people according to something called the CB ranking. Mark Zutterberg for example is 3, Barack Obama is at 2.  What ranking is Roger Kendrick?  Why he's sitting at No 135,067!!

I am always encouraged whenever I read a piece like this on Brexit Central's website since it shows how hard they have to search to find someone, anyone who can defend Brexit and make it sound in any way positive.