Monday 11 December 2017


Some of the stuff in this article (HERE) is bizarre and demonstrates what an odd agreement was reached on Friday. Nobody really knows what it means. Apparently, a Tory Brexiteer, seeing the remainer Nicky Morgan saying she was happy meant that he couldn't be!  

Mrs May apparently doesn't consult and even that cabinet does not know where she is headed. She seems to be making decisions as she has always done, in a tiny group and without any debate. From the article:

It still seems that Mrs May doesn’t entirely understand, for all her rhetoric, the determination of the Brexit-voting majority to take back control, or what that means. And even Cabinet ministers have no idea where the next phase of talks are heading.

And for sheer stupidity, the idea that trade talks would be finished by next spring is totally off the wall. The will not start until spring!  Other extracts from the article are these:

But the view that the concessions made already go too far is widely held. Many Tories want trade talks finished by next spring and not to continue into a transition phase, where they could last indefinitely.

At every step the negotiations have been handled as if to put Britain permanently in the wrong. For this MPs blame ministerial incompetence – one told me he thought David Davis was so miserable that he was looking for reasons to resign – and the machinations of a civil service determined to stop Brexit.

An indication of the true feelings of hardcore Tory Brexiteers came from one who, interviewed on the record, dismissed assertions by Nigel Farage that this had been a “humiliation”, with Mrs May dragged like a supplicant to Brussels before dawn on Friday to endorse the policies of her European masters. Speaking privately later, he said he feared Mr Farage was right, but to agree publicly with the architect of Brexit would be career death.

The atmosphere inside the Tory party looks absolutely toxic at the moment and it can only get worse.