Tuesday 27 February 2018


Having worked for and with many continental European companies I am always mindful at how we look to them. One of the fears I had about Brexit was that the decision itself would make us appear like a nation of retarded imbeciles, which I firmly believe it did. Internationally this must have been the conclusion, that or perhaps slightly more palatable, they may have thought us a bit gullible. 

But twenty months on and with only small changes in the polls showing some regret at the vote, and with the government making a completer horlicks of the negotiations, we can hardly claim gullibility. Even our own government's figures show we are all going to be worse off but still around 40% of the population think it's a good thing. 

But things have actually got worse (HERE). The government themselves are now the laughing stock. The sphinx like Mrs May could not make a decision to save her life. Nobody knows what or even if, she thinks. BoJo goes round Europe with his arse hanging out, quoting or misquoting Latin and using obscure words to show us all what a clever dick he is. Never was any man better able to make a complete idiot of himself in six languages. Who would have thought we would ever get such a fool in a high office of State. 

The International Trade Secretary talks about "Global Britain" as if it means something. He is literally one of the swivel eyed right wingers.  Davis, the Brexit Secretary demonstrates every week that in a mysterious way the more involved he becomes, the less he knows.

So much time has been wasted. The country is at war with itself. There is no real planning taking place for the no-deal outcome they keep threatening. As soon as one cabinet minister sets out his or her thinking about Brexit, another one contradicts them.

And finally, the cabinet is packed off to Chequers in a carefully stage managed photo opportunity and a chance to create the impression of unity in agreeing to something the EU have already said we can't have.

No wonder they snigger at us.