Friday 16 February 2018


Lord Digby Jones is not really self aware is he? The man is obviously getting a bit nervous with all the anti-brexit stuff going on at the moment and the utter mess the government is making of the withdrawal negotiations. He was the one who told us, "there won't be any economic pain" from Brexit. He may just be starting to realise that far from being painless it is going to be excruciating and chronic. 

The mountain of problems just keeps getting bigger, while it seems even the easy stuff is quite beyond us. It must be testing the faith of many leavers. Against this background he is seeking to shuffle off any responsibility that he might bear for urging workers in the West Midlands to hurl themselves off a cliff. 

Digby Jones apparently tweeted this week:

“Attention all Remoaners! Stop doing Barnier’s work for him! This undermining of our country’s negotiating with the EU HAS to stop. We’ll end up with a lousy deal & you will be to blame.” 

Does anybody remember during the campaign anyone from the leave side telling us that a prerequisite of Brexit success was that all we remainers had to ditch our beliefs and join the idiots in UKIP? We could equally claim we would still be in the EU if leavers had stopped undermining our country's membership over the last thirty years.

All those years when UKIP and the anti-EU press were undermining our country and it's membership of the EU, he never made a peep. What did he expect?

By the way, news of the tweet by Digby Jones comes from this article by David Aaronovitch in The Times (HERE) asking if anybody can believe a word Boris Johnson says. Of course we can't.