Sunday 11 February 2018


The BBC are reporting that Mrs May and senior ministers are to begin a series of speeches setting out the government's position on the future trading relationship with a view to bringing the two sides together (HERE). I had to read it twice to make sure I understood what it was saying.  This is like the warring factions in Syria suddenly announcing they are going to bring people together. You welcome it, but with a good deal of scepticism.

And the scepticism is on both fronts. I don't believe they have anything like a common position yet, and there is another "awayday" at Chequers next week to try and thrash out the "road to Brexit", and I certainly don't see the country coming together any time soon. I assume the "road" they plan to take us on is one that enjoys a longer and more circuitous route with a gentle climb, but still ends up going over a cliff at the end.

The first speech is to come from none other than the fat oaf of the remove, BoJo himself. Yes, the arch splitter of communities is going to bring people together!

As Sam Goldwyn once said (allegedly) - Include me out.