Saturday 24 February 2018


Last Thursday's chequers meeting was supposed to decide if we are to be in or out of the EU. The question Cameron posed in the referendum was answered by the people. They wanted to be out but with all the benefits of being in. From all the reports of the meeting so far it appears we have not actually come to a conclusion and we still want to be both in and out at the same time. We want managed divergence - whatever that means.

Eventually, at some point Theresa May is going to have to make a decision - or as Donald Tusk threatened today, the EU will make the decision for us and I assume we will be out. Tusk says our demands are "pure illusion" (HERE).

We are in the barely credible position of being well beyond the last minute in the negotiations and with May finally about to announce what it is we intend to ask for and with parliament shaping up to block it and the EU saying it's an illusion. Even Charles Moore at the Telegraph is asking for clarity (HERE). Does the PM know what she's doing or not?

I think the PM's problem is that she has promised so many contradictory things to different people that she is going to have an almighty accident very soon. A fork in the road is approaching very fast. She has promised some supporters that she will definitely be going to the left. While others have been assured it is the right fork she intends to take. The decision cannot be long delayed any more.