Friday 23 February 2018


The sheer inconceivably difficult and breathtakingly complex Gordian knot of Brexit would tax the cleverest of men and women. We know the cabinet is not actually stuffed with intellect so we might expect many bumps along the road.

Davis has likened it to the moon landings. Others have suggested it's more like the Second World War. Neither do justice to the incalculably multi-faceted mess that is Brexit. It is like dynamiting your own house and then trying to reassemble it in a marginally better way and even hoping that in falling back to the ground some of the pieces reassemble themselves automatically. In other words it's impossibly complicated. And those in charge of the project are not only incapable of doing it they do not even realise how complicated it is.

Take the new agricultural policy as covered by this report in The Guardian HERE.

It has to satisfy so many different people, the farmers, the food industry, the environmentalists, the supermarkets as well as the public. It will even be impacted by free trade agreements that we sign up to. This is just one small policy area but on which so much depends.

I have written before about how Britain's real problems are mainly on issues which the government has complete control over. I am thinking here about education, health, infrastructure, housing, regional policy and so on. Our politicians have consistently made a mess of them. Now they want to extend their managerial incompetence into areas that worked reasonably well before when the EU had responsibility. So hang on to your hats.

Brexit will be remembered as a huge self inflicted disaster and our political masters will have demonstrated to the world that managing a whelk stall is about the best they could do. And it would have to be a small one. And they would need constant supervision.