Monday 19 March 2018


Paul Goodman is a regular contributor to Conservative Home and avid Brexiteer, but his latest effort (HERE) shows a slight nervousness seems to be creeping in. He says ministers are "dicing with disaster" if the country isn't ready for Brexit on day one. I suppose it is in reaction to reports of a secret cabinet report that says the new customs regime and some databases will not be ready on time. Are Brexiteers at last beginning to see what they have unleashed?

There can be no doubt that we will not be ready on day one. It is a 100% cast iron certainty that many areas will descend into chaos on day one. Let us not forget that it was a lot of the ministers in cabinet today who urged Brexit on to an unsuspecting public but it was clear immediately the campaign started they had no idea what they were doing. Here we are now two years on with Chris Grayling, to give just one example, saying we don't check lorries coming through Dover now and we won't do it after we leave. He doesn't even seem to realise what Brexit means! Throwing open our borders is not an option legally let alone acceptable to most leave voters.

When we are led by such people it is impossible for chaos on day one to be avoided.

But going back to Paul Goodman on CH, the reaction in the comments section is once again instructive. There is a huge backlash from people saying there was enough time but we wasted it, others saying the cabinet isn't serious and want us to stay in the EU and so on and so on. Virtually, nobody seems to think it is all going well. The majority appear to believe it is all going wrong, as it is. People, including Goodman, are finally starting to realise what an electoral albatross Brexit is going to be.

Let us hope it puts and end to to the coalition that is the Conservative party for ever.