Friday 2 March 2018


We are still talking to ourselves. Mrs May is apparently to set out five tests for the success of Brexit according to leaks of her speech today and will warn the EU that relations could break down (HERE). The EU must "respect the wishes" of the British people apparently. This is a bit of foot stamping because we can't have what we want, like a petulant child.

The tests of success will be:
  • Respecting the outcome of the referendum, allowing us to take control of our money, borders and law
  • It must be an enduring agreement so we don't have to renegotiate afterwards
  • It must protect our prosperity and security
  • Be consistent with the kind of country we want to be
  • Bringing the country together
So, because the British people voted for it they must have access to the EU market, not pay any money or have any immigrants or accept judgements of the ECJ. And if we don't get it we'll throw a tantrum. This will not go down well. If the government expects a neutral response from Brussels as we are told, there may be a shock coming.

This is like Gordon Brown's five tests for joining the Euro. They are so broad you can be assured they will be used to justify the outcome whatever it is. This report by Faisal Islam at Sky News HERE explains her dilemma.

Note how according to Islam, at the Chequers meeting it is claimed that Greg Clark the Business Secretary had a presentation on just in time, just in sequence manufacturing that was then "challenged by Brexiteers". I know this is how it works at the top. An expert carefully explains how a system works and why it cannot be changed without big problems. I assume someone did this for Mr Clark who wouldn't know a manufacturing process from a badger's bottom. But then this is challenged by non-experts in the cabinet who attempt to provide incredibly simplistic solutions which demonstrate two things. Firstly, that they don't understand the problem at all and we secondly, they intend to press on with their plan anyway.

This is how it works.

The five tests look reasonable but they are going to contradict each other. We voted to leave the EU which must damage our prosperity and security. The government has since gone much further than just leaving the EU anyway and interpreted the vote in the harshest possible way.  This is the problem for her. How do you move decisively away from the EU and protect the economy? 

We are probably going to be treated to the sort of generalised vacuity that Mrs May has made her speciality. This should have been done at the end of 2016. It would have allowed far clearer positions to be developed well in advance instead of at the eleventh hour. She is already being accused of planning to deliver more empty slogans (HERE).

I can begin to see a breakdown coming because we are ill-prepared for the compromises that will be needed.

She is going to urge people to come together. Why couldn't we come together when we were in the EU? Why do we all now have to agree with the extremists? Come together? It is not going to happen.