Thursday 15 March 2018


David Davis has been shuttling around European capitals although he has notably avoided Brussels so far, as if he is trying to drive a wedge between EU members. I think the item on Newsnight last night claimed he had visited eighteen so far. It also looks like he has conceded the transition period will end on December 31st 2020 which is very tight but it suited the EU - as usual. 

However, what it demonstrates is how crucial for the functioning of Europe it is to have the EU. Without a supranational body like the EU, getting anything agreed on a Europe wide basis would involve travelling around 27 capitals as Davis has been doing. Trade deals would be an utter nightmare for example, as would trying to reach a common position on Russian sanctions. If nothing else it might dawn on the fool Davis that for all its faults Europe is unthinkable without the EU.

While nutters like Farage, Cash and other Brexiteers think the EU is finished they must see that if it didn't exist it would be necessary for it to be invented. 

If one could imagine a Europe today of 30 or so independent nations, all with their own national standards, border controls, customs arrangements and individual trade deals we would probably be the first to point out how ridiculous it was and to propose a joint regulatory body and closer cooperation. It is the obvious solution. And we would very quickly have something that looks pretty much like the EU as it is now. It is inevitable and unthinkable that we should be separate from it forever. 

Whatever Brexit brings I am confident we will soon become members again.