Wednesday 21 March 2018


David Davis wrote in The Times of Malta,  "Both the UK and Malta have services at the heart of our economies, so a bespoke trade deal that includes zero tariffs on services is in our mutual interest"(HERE). I'm not sure when this was written but it was tweeted by Richard Corbett MEP yesterday, so I assume it is quite recently.

If so, one worries about what is happening on the negotiations since it's perfectly clear that the man supposed to be leading them knows nothing about international trade. There are no tariffs on services in any trade deal, bespoke or not.  This is mainly because services are not normally included in trade deals at all.

This is the problem with Brexit. Services represents about 80% of our economy. We are leaving the world's largest, closest and richest single market for services in order to sign free trade deals that won't include services anyway.  We will be no better placed outside the EU than we were inside, but we will lose access to the biggest market for our best exports. It is madness.

In another retweet (HERE):

Nice bloke at Heathrow currency exchange desk asks whether Brexit will be good for my industry. When I said no, disastrous, he said he asks everyone the same question: and Every. Single. Person gives the same answer. But a bunch of Old Etonian conmen think they know better.

Not scientific but quite telling isn't it?