Saturday 3 March 2018


A brilliant analysis (HERE) of how Conservative Euro sceptics have shifted opinion in the party further and further to the right. From forcing Cameron to pull the Tories out of the EPP in the EU parliament grouping to Brexit and beyond. It's by Rafael Behr in The Guardian.

I wonder how long it can go on? 

Brexit hasn't brought harmony. The divisions are as deep as they ever were and divided parties do not tend to do well in elections. At the moment pro EU Conservatives are quiet because of the referendum result, but time will show the folly of Brexit and they can begin to take the fight to the Eurosceptic wing. When it all goes badly, as it will, Brexit will be exposed for what it is, a con.

In my experience the electorate swing around the centre ground of politics, swinging first to the left (who usually spend too much) before swinging back to the right (who usually cut too much). We are like a giant pendulum. At the moment we have had quite a dose of the right and public opinion is swinging to the left, at least in terms of public ownership of the public services like the railways and water. 

So, the Conservatives may not be in power much longer whatever happens.