Wednesday 28 March 2018


There is a paradox in the Migration Advisory Commission (MAC) interim report that is at odds with the often expressed view that EU migrants come here to claim benefits. The 417 employers who responded to the MAC survey found EU migrants were better qualified, more motivated and so more productive and reliable than British workers. There is concern among employers of both high skilled and low skilled workers that a post Brexit immigration system will have an adverse impact on their business. The Independent report on it HERE

The actual report (HERE) makes it clear that it isn't just employers who should have an influence on immigration policy but also local communities and this is right, in my opinion.

But I do think this is another facet of the old British exceptionalism. We aren't as well qualified, motivated, productive or reliable but we want to treated as if we are, as if we are entitled to it. We're British, we must be better than those foreigners. 

This is the same sort of thing as at the De La Rue company last week on learning they had lost the blue passport contract. It isn't introspection because that isn't in the British psyche is it? There is no room for any sort of realism or self examination. No investment or redoubling of effort to ensure we win the next contract. No, there is simply the long whinge that Johnny foreigner has somehow cheated and tricked the plucky, honest, hard working Briton.

The MAC report in paragraph 19 says this:

"When discussing the reasons EEA migrants rather than UK-born workers are sometimes hired, it was noticeable that employers did not often mention wages as a factor. Employers do not think of themselves as employing EEA migrants because they are cheaper (they generally insisted they paid the same wages to workers doing the same job, regardless of nationality), but because EEA workers are higher quality or are prepared to do work that British workers are not".

In this country, if we go shopping and find something we want at a higher quality at the same (or lower) price we instantly reach for it without the slightest hesitation. We certainly don't look at where it was made. But if an employer does the same they are criticised for it. The MAC see no irony in this at all.

This weekend The Sunday Times had a piece about the fishing industry. DEFRA has published detailed statistics HERE about UK fishing and it turns out that foreign owners have bought up our quotas. In other words our fishermen either sold the quotas or didn't bid high enough or invest enough in modern vessels and now complain bitterly that foreigners are taking our fish. 

When Scotland and Ireland and France beat us recently at rugby there is a post mortem in the press. How could this happen?  It's unthinkable that the Irish or the Scots should beat us, isn't it. New Zealand easily beat us at cricket and this summer (Putin's retaliation permitting) we will have our four-yearly ritual humiliation at The World Cup. But will we learn from it?  No.

There is a pattern here isn't there? But some of us are still completely blind to it.