Monday 12 March 2018


Buzzfeed (HERE) has got hold of a lot of messages from the Whatsapp service used by the European Research Group (ERG) headed by Jacob Rees-Mogg. It gives a revealing insight into the simmering tensions ready to explode between the pro and anti Brexit factions in the Tory party. I am not sure it can go on forever. It will be a phenomenal balancing act if Theresa May can reach an agreement with the EU that satisfies both sides.

Personally, I don't think she can and I don't believe anyone else can either.

The ERG are already very unhappy with the concessions made so far but have publicly greeted them with a smiling face and gritted teeth. Yet these are nothing compared to the concessions that we will soon have to make. In the next few weeks we will face the biggest decisions of all, the ones that are the most troublesome and difficult that the PM has kicked down the road for months.

I doubt that there is a middle path acceptable to both sides of the Tory party and the EU. In which case we will have to make a decision - do we move decisively away from the EU with all of the economic consequences and destroy the economy or do we remain close and destroy the dreams of the Brexiteers.

I have always thought that Brexit is different for every person and in the end no one is going to be happy. But leavers will be the unhappiest of them all.

They voted for change and to improve their lot. Keeping things largely as they are will not be good enough, even a marginal improvement won't satisfy them. There MUST be a substantial Brexit dividend otherwise it will further sour British politics. And yet this is almost certainly not going to happen. We will be poorer, weaker and less influential. 

And look at the cabinet. Would you employ any one of them in any important role?  No, me neither but these are the people who will determine our future. May God help us.