Thursday 12 April 2018


The CBI have released a 114 page report - Smooth Operations - looking at what industry wants out of the trade deal in various sectors of the economy. Brexiteers will no doubt dismiss it but there is no escaping that it comes from an authoritative source with wide consultation of thousands of companies. The overriding conclusion is that we should stay close to the EU because their regulations are seen as good and well thought out. Where divergence might be possible the CBI say the costs will outweigh the benefits.

It's quite a read but what comes across is the sheer complexity of Brexit for Industry. They don't really want Brexit, sixteen million remainers don't want it and the EU don't want it. The seventeen million who do want it have essentially forgotten about it and want the government to "get on with it" - whatever it is. They are bored by it and have "moved on" along with the newspapers and commentators who urged the leave vote.

To the people charged with bringing it about, the civil service, it must be galling to be left to pick up the pieces and try to ensure Brexit happens with minimum disruption while keeping the economy from sinking. Meanwhile, the leave voters carry on as if nothing happened. They don't know what they voted for or why. But they're absolutely adamant they must have it - whatever it is.

And the report calls for the UK to virtually carry on almost as a full member of various EU agencies, including the European Aviation Safety Agency the EASA. It says the "UK should continue to play a key participatory and leadership role in the agency". I can understand why the CBI might think this is a good idea but the EU are not going to allow third countries for play a "leading" role in any agency let alone the EASA. The whole thrust of the report is about remaining in the single market and perhaps this is just a nudge for the government in the direction of the EASA.