Monday 30 April 2018


There are some people who don't seem to mind advertising their stupidity in national newspapers and a Mr Keith Elkington in Dorset is just such a man. He takes exception to anyone suggesting he didn't know what he wanted when he voted to leave the EU. He is clearly a man blessed with an all-seeing, all-knowing prescience that we ordinary people can only dream about.

In the letters page of the Daily Telegraph on Saturday was this missive:

SIR – This week, when switching on the television, I have often been subjected to Sir Keir Starmer explaining to me patiently that, when voting in the EU referendum, my understanding of the issues involved was clearly limited.

Let me assure Sir Keir that I was, and am, fully aware of the consequences of exiting the customs union and, like many of my friends, voted accordingly.

Keith Elkington
Verwood, Dorset

So, when reading the question on the ballot paper about leaving or remaining in the EU, Keith knew that this meant leaving the customs union!  Even though the 1000 page document published Business for Britain (CEO Matthew Elliot who became CEO of Vote Leave) called "Change or Go" (HERE) has on page 241:

"The UK could alternatively opt into the Customs Union. This would allow for continued access to the Single Market from within. It avoids some of the disadvantages of the EEA model (such as the free movement of people issue) but at the cost of generating new ones".

But Mr Elkington in June 2016 knew what was in Mrs May's mind (the then Home Secretary) and he also knew that she would become PM after Cameron resigned and he knew she would, in her Lancaster House speech (HERE) say:

"But I do want us to have a customs agreement with the EU.Whether that means we must reach a completely new customs agreement, become an associate member of the Customs Union in some way, or remain a signatory to some elements of it, I hold no preconceived position. I have an open mind on how we do it. It is not the means that matter, but the ends".

And he thinks this means "exiting the customs union". Well it might, after all Mrs May's words could mean almost anything. We could have any kind of arrangement from remaining a full member to having no agreement at all. We may well exit the customs union but immediately rejoin something that looks exactly the same. But whatever it is Mr Elkington on June 23rd 2016 knew exactly what it was - I wish he would tell Mrs May and the cabinet.

He seems to want 30 mile queues along the M20 and operation stack every day plus the end of cross channel supply chains and quite possible food shortages. Or he may want the status quo. Who knows.