Monday 23 April 2018


I love reading Conservative Home at the moment. Among the regular commenters all the arguments about Brexit are still raging on as if it's June 16th 2016. Paul Goodman has set the cat among the pigeons this week with an article (HERE) about who might or might not resign if Theresa May is forced to accept a customs union. Some comments are quite scathing about May and her cabinet members, with no one seeming to think the government is doing a good job. Quite a lot of Conservative supporters worry about the sheer amount of time, effort and resources being poured into Brexit to the exclusion of virtually everything else.

One comment was from a person claiming to have spoke to Liam Fox recently who apparently said if Mrs May accepts staying in the customs union we are effectively never going to leave the EU. I'm not sure this is right but it's a perception held by many Brexiteers and it would certainly be the thin end of the wedge. If we stay in the CU, the next thing will be the single market and if we get to that point I think a lot of people will conclude we're better off staying in the EU. The logic is inescapable.

Certainly, many Conservatives think the PM will face a leadership challenge if she backs down on the customs union. The stakes couldn't be higher for her, the party or the country.

The next few weeks up to the EU summit in June are going to be very entertaining and may well be pivotal in deciding Brexit.