Wednesday 16 May 2018


Shock revelation in The Telegraph! Barnier is said to have "mocked" the prime minister (HERE) by saying neither of the two customs union solutions, currently bring argued over in the Brexit sub committee, are "realistic". Well who would have thought that? BoJo thought one of the options was "crazy" (that's OK because he's a member of the cabinet and foreign secretary) while Jacob Rees-Mogg thought it was "cretinous" (that's fine too because he's leader of the ERG faction of extreme Brexiteers) but Barnier, by saying neither option is realistic, is "mocking" our prime minister.

What an utter waste of precious negotiating time to argue over proposals you know in advance are not acceptable to the other side. 

Someone described the Article 50 process as like a ticking time bomb. Only a withdrawal agreement and a transition period can save us by stopping the clock. But instead of trying to get the agreement, or seeking to stop the clock or defuse the bomb by cutting a wire or something, the entire cabinet are standing around discussing entirely irrelevant things that will have no effect whatsoever.

As time goes on, I am starting to think Mrs May is either a genius and is stringing the Brexiteers along to run down the clock so that with seconds to go and with beads of sweat on everyone's brow as they look at each other desperately, she can accept whatever deal is on offer, avert a catastrophe and save the nation. That or she genuinely has no idea what she's doing.

And now - more breaking News in The Telegraph! The White Star liner Titanic has struck an iceberg in the north Atlantic on her maiden voyage. More to follow.