Monday 7 May 2018


A couple of things caught my attention this weekend. Firstly, this article HERE on the Politicsmeanspolitics website about what they call the death of cakeism. And they may be right, but almost at the same time we get the latest "Topics for discussion" (HERE), published jointly be the EU and the UK to cover the next stage in the negotiations where it looks like cakeism is still in rude health.

For the future economic partnership we want to discuss:
  • Aims of the economic partnership
  • Goods
  • Agricultural, food and fisheries products
  • Customs 
  • Services and investment
  • Financial services
  • Digital and broadcasting
  • Transport
  • Energy
  • Horizontal measures/Level Playing Field
  • Mobility framework

What a confection of bakery comestible requisites (I hesitate to call them cakes).

No sooner have we told the club we want to leave than we submit a list of demands that amounts to membership as near as makes no difference, less the membership fee of course and the need to stick to the rules.

I hope our negotiators have a bit of humble pie packed in a lunch box since the comestibles may not be on the table for very long.