Monday 21 May 2018


Brexiteer lemmings are becoming ever more vocal as the huge difficulties they were warned about begin to stack up. The bid to hurl themselves off the cliff edge looks like it might be thwarted and they are now accusing the losing side, the remainers, of blocking the self harming Brexit they crave. Betrayal is the word they are beginning to use. Mrs May is coming in for a lot of criticism from her own side. 

First up is Jeremy Hoskings, a financier and Conservative party donor, writing in The Sunday Telegraph (HERE). The shambolic Brexit process is, according to his fevered imagination, actually going exactly as Theresa May planned it! Yes, that's right. The pretended absence of any sort of plan, the magical thinking, the empty speeches, the climb downs and the concessions, the fudges and can kicking are all part of a secret "strategy" that she has followed from the start to thwart Brexit. She was and is a remainer, who stepped in to the role of Brexit leader in order to delay and obfuscate as a way of using up the negotiating time so we will have no choice but to abandon the hard Brexit he wants. David Davis is, I assume a deaf and blind imbecile who doesn't realise any of this but is being played like a fish. 

In Hoskings world, Mrs May will, as soon as the deal which ties us indefinitely to Brussels as a vassal state is signed, rip off the mask to reveal she is actually Guy Verhofstadt in disguise, the real former Home Secretary having been kidnapped in 2016 just after winning the Tory leadership contest. Have you noticed you never see Verhofstadt and May together? 

Next is Daniel Hannan, in the same newspaper (HERE). He claims "tribal MPs" are to blame. EU negotiators are incredulous that we are making such a horlicks of the negotiations he tells us. Brussels can't believe we haven't got a plan and expect us to eventually reveal some dastardly clever ruse. Hannan doesn't think so - and neither do I. In fact the EU might be surprised to know it is probably even worse than they fear.

Paul Goodman has a piece on Conservative Home (HERE) about boiling the Brexiteer frog. He also, thinks it's all part of a devious plan on the part of the prime minister:-

"However, it is hard not to conclude, as one mulls over the events of this year – the Chequers summit, Downing Street’s push for the customs partnership, last week’s committee agreement on the backstop – that May is slowly boiling the ERG frog. A furtive twitch of the dial is more effective than a frantic wrench. Gently does it. And talking of keeping a low profile: where’s the Chancellor?"

There was total of 431 comments (probably more now) underneath and it seems to me the great majority support the betrayal narrative, albeit a lot of the comments are from a single lunatic who goes by the handle of SapphirePhoenix. 

In today's Telegraph (HERE) Owen Paterson and Sammy Wilson, fundamentalist leavers bothy, say the Irish border problem is being "cynically and recklessly" exploited by remainers. 

What does this tell us? Even though they were advised all of these things would come to pass both before, during and after the referendum they seem shocked by it all. There is still a wilful refusal to face the issues square on. The collision between leaver Brexiteers and reality is very close now. When it finally happens it's going to be very messy and very destructive. Will they blame themselves?  Noooo! It will, as always, be someone else's fault. It was the EU, now it's we remainers or Mrs May herself.  But Brexiteers?  Not a chance.

Make no mistake the day of reckoning is coming.