Friday 25 May 2018


Dominic Cummings, the egregious campaign director for Vote Leave, has written an open letter to Conservative MPs on his blog (HERE) telling them Brexit is a "train wreck". Of course, this isn't news to the sixteen million who voted to remain but it might be to many leavers. However, a mea culpa it isn't. It is a self justifying rant by the man perhaps even more responsible for Brexit than Nigel Farage. He blames just about everybody for the debacle except himself.

Listen to these extracts from his letter:

The Government immediately accepted bogus legal advice and triggered Article 50 quickly without discussions with our EU friends and without a plan.

This process [building all the infrastructure and facilities that are normal around the world to manage trade]should have started BEFORE triggering A50 but the government has irretrievably botched this.

Downing Street, the Treasury, the Cabinet Office and the Cabinet have made no such preparations and there is no intention of starting

Instead, Whitehall’s real preparations are for the continuation of EU law and the jurisdiction of the ECJ. The expectation is that MPs will end up accepting the terrible agreement as voting it down would be to invite chaos.

The Government has also aided and abetted bullshit invented by Irish nationalists and Remain campaigners that the Belfast Agreement prevents reasonable customs checks on trade between Northern Ireland and the Republic.

Parliament and its Select Committees have contributed to delusions. They have made almost no serious investigation of what preparations to be a third country under EU law should be and what steps are being taken to achieve it.

‘Compromise proposals’ such as that from [Nick] Boles which assume the existence of ‘third country’ planning are just more delusions

The Government effectively has no credible policy and the whole world knows it.

Yes it’s true that May, Hammond, Heywood and Robbins are Remain and have screwed it up but you’re deluded if you think you’ll be able to blame the debacle just on them.

PS. This explains part of what needs to be done and as you will see it will not be done by a normal UK party operating with the existing Whitehall system.

Phew! Lawyers, May, Hammond, Heywood, Robbins, Boles, No 10, The Cabinet office, The Cabinet, The Government, Whitehall, The Treasury, Parliament, Select Committees, Irish Nationalists, remainers and Uncle Tom Cobley and all. A very long list of what he thinks are the useless, the incompetent and the culpable -  and there are plenty of others in his letter too. The only name missing is one D. Cummings.,

As for having no plan - well this is a bit rich since when, before the vote, presenting a credible plan was considered by Vote Leave, it was rejected because, "creating an exit plan that makes sense and which all reasonable people could unite around seems an almost insuperable task" in the words of Mr Cummings (HERE). And so it has proven.

The intriguing PS comment by the way includes a link to another of his blogposts (HERE), probably written, like the one above, while "in drink". Now I remember a lot of wild promises being made during the campaign and plenty of Brexiteers have said every leave voter knew what they were voting for. But I really cannot recall anyone giving the caveat that a successful Brexit needed an extraordinary party (i.e. not a "normal" one) working outside the "Whitehall system". What does he mean? This is perhaps taking back control a little too far. I wonder if he's ordered a few black shirts?

The BBC cover the story HERE