Saturday 21 July 2018


I worry about the future of democracy in this country. Apparently, during the Chequers summit Andrea Leadsom. Leader of The House, said she hated the agreement they had come to and thought it didn't represent what people voted for, according to leaked minutes in The Times (HERE). She said a majority of ministers and civil servants had "remainer tendencies".

Those among the populace who have the same "tendencies" can perhaps look forward to going to re-education classes as they would in North Korea and being "taught" how to think properly by having the soles of our feet beaten with heavy electrical cables. This is how dictatorships work and why Turkey has fired about 130,000 civil servants under President Erdogan and thousands are in prison.

Of course, when Labour comes to power she won't mind ministers accusing civil servants of having Conservative "tendencies" and perhaps being removed.

Once we politicise the civil service and accuse fellow ministers of not thinking in the "right" way (i.e not like you) we are on a very slippery slope indeed. Leadsom was, I believe, said to be completely out of her depth when she was at DEFRA, once asking if climate change was real, but she seems out of her depth in a democracy.