Thursday 12 July 2018


The post yesterday about the interconnectors (HERE) and energy security after Brexit is confirmed by this report in The Belfast Telegraph (HERE). Northern Ireland doesn't generate enough energy for itself and has to import power from The Republic. There are plans apparently to hire or requisition portable generators and mount them on barges in the Irish Sea.

The report talks about an "electricity shock" and will go down well among Unionists in the six counties I'm sure:

"Northern Ireland could face an energy crisis if the UK crashes out of the EU without a withdrawal deal, according to reports. Such a scenario could see thousands of electricity generators being requisitioned at short notice and positioned on barges in the Irish Sea to help keep the region going, a Whitehall document quoted by the Financial Times states.

"An emergency operation could see equipment being brought back from places like Afghanistan, where the UK still has a military presence, the newspaper said.  The extreme situation could arise because Northern Ireland shares a single energy market with the Irish Republic".

They certainly need us more than we need them!

This is where Brexit is taking us. A sort of free trade Nirvana where workers can beaver away 24/7 to the steady roar of all those diesel generators smoking away in the Irish Sea. We'll have to work because no one will be able to sleep, not with all that racket going on.