Tuesday 4 September 2018


One might almost feel sorry for Liam Fox (no don't worry, I only said might). He has been going round talking up Global Britain and globe trotting around the world to boost trade. He wants to see exports up to 35% of GDP, from about 30% now - an increase of about £100 billion a year. After a couple of years our exports are now going down. The latest Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) shows UK manufacturing growth at a 25 month low. This is after the pound suffered a serious drop after the referendum which supposedly made exports cheaper and should have boosted the export figures. Sadly, it didn't.

The Guardian (HERE) cover the PMI August figures saying:

"A survey of manufacturers has found that growth slowed last month to its lowest level since July 2016, dragged down by a shock fall in exports".

Poor old Fox, his efforts haven't even resulted in a modest increase in exports but a shock fall. Rather a Pyrrhic victory, any more trade missions by our hapless Trade Secretary and exports will be down to zero.

It's a bit like stopping to give a friend a lift in your car, only to knock them down and leave them gravely injured.