Wednesday 24 October 2018


The National Audit Office (NAO) has prepared a report: The UK border: preparedness for EU exit, (HERE) which, following on from yesterday's cabinet meeting (HERE), ought to start alarm bells ringing among cabinet ministers and Brexiteers but probably won't. We are not ready at all to leave with no deal. This much is clear - as if we didn't know before - but the NAO spell it out in detail.

The BBC's Kamal Ahmed covers it HERE under the title: UK will 'pay the price' of no deal Brexit, quoting in inverted commas words directly from the report.

But note the comments under the article itself.  Most of them are from highly critical remainers but quite a few are from leave voters who even now think it's all scaremongering:
  • This persons biased opinion is on the front page of a un-biased news website. Is the BBC Anti Brexit? Can you please just report the news, I don't want random peoples biased opinions.
  • We are importing from non EU countries now. It's not rocket science, there's nothing too complicated in extending those existing controls.We have no problem buying iPhones, tablets, TVs etc from non-EU countries. The worlds top three economies are all outside the EU.
  • A classic project fear article full of "could" and "likely". Substitute "might not" and "unlikely" for the counter opinion.
Some comments apparently think this is Kamal Ahmed's personal opinion instead of a detailed 52 page report by The National Audit Office which, "scrutinises public spending for Parliament and is independent of government. The Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), Sir Amyas Morse KCB, is an Officer of the House of Commons and leads the NAO. The C&AG certifies the accounts of all government departments and many other public sector bodies".

They think everybody is biased except those Brexiteers who have lied to them from the very beginning. Amazing isn't it?

When will the penny drop?