Tuesday 23 October 2018


The 92nd and 93rd polls since August 2016 in the WhatUKthinks series have been published in quick succession - see HERE. They show leads of 3% and 6% for WRONG respectively (4% and 6% when don't knows are removed) in response to the question: In hindsight, do you think Britain was right or wrong to vote to leave the EU?  In 2018 there has now been 42 polls in total with WRONG ahead in 40 of them. One was even and RIGHT was in front by just 1% on one occasion ten months ago.

RIGHT led in 22 out of the first 27 polls, but WRONG has now been in front in 50 of the last 55 polls. The last poll fieldwork date was 19th October before the big march in London. The next poll will be interesting. We might see if the huge effort had an impact on public opinion.