Sunday, 21 October 2018


Very long, very tiring but a great day in London yesterday. It was the lead story on the BBC yesterday evening with a reported 700,000 people attending. You can see their report with aerial footage (HERE). This was my third anti-Brexit march in London and it was obviously much bigger than the others.  Whitehall was jam packed in a way I've never seen it before.

We arrived too late to hear many of the speakers with Whitehall and Parliament square already full and the crowd stretching halfway back to Trafalgar Square. Then we heard Mariella Frostrup telling the crowd the end of the march was just leaving Hyde Park! You can see a time lapse video of the march on YouTube (HERE).

Will it make a difference?  For the first time, I think it might. I hope at the very least it will spur on those anti-Brexit MPs in parliament to use the power they have to moderate the extremists.

It was exhilarating to be a part of it. Here's the Selby for Europe flag - note the three swans in the middle.