Saturday 24 November 2018


The self confessed idiot Andrew Percy, MP for Goole, was on his feet in the debate last Thursday (HERE) asking the prime minister to rule out a second referendum. He supports the PM and told her to "press on as she is doing". I wonder if he has noticed that about a third of his colleagues on the Conservative benches intend to vote against her?  Perhaps not.  However, it was his question on the second vote that interested me.

After reassuring her she should carry on, presumably in Hattie Jacques fashion, he eventually gets to his point:

"Secondly, and more importantly, perhaps, for where this House seems to be heading, my constituents are sick and tired of hearing people talk of a second referendum. This was not talked about by the remain or leave side during the referendum campaign and would amount to a betrayal of that vote in 2016. It would be an establishment stitch-up that might please some in the metropolitan elite and their wealthy overseas backers, but it would be a gross act against democracy. Will my right hon. Friend assure the House that the Government will put forward no legislation for a second referendum in any way?"

He says a second vote "was not talked about" during the campaign. Perhaps he might like to read this interview given by Dominic Cummings to the Economist in January 2016 (HERE). Cummings was Campaign Director for Vote Leave at the time and on the subject of a second vote:

BAGEHOT (The interviewer): In the event of an Out vote do you think the government would seek to hold another referendum, on the terms of Brexit?

DOMINIC CUMMINGS: I think that is a distinct possibility, yes. It’s obviously not something that we can force. We’re a campaign group. But I think it is perfectly possible that leadership candidates to replace David Cameron will say that they think there are good grounds for a new government team to offer the public a voice on what the deal looks like. And we obviously wouldn’t oppose that, if that’s what senior politicians want to offer.

At the time Cummings actually led the Leave Campaign. He was the horse's mouth as far as campaign messages went and there he was telling us leavers wouldn't oppose a second vote. It was an exercise in reassuring waverers that there would eventually be a chance to reverse it all. I have written about this before (HERE).

Now Mr Percy is opposing a second vote. I am afraid he is a liar as well as a fool.