Thursday 22 November 2018

DRAFT DECLARATION AGREED - Ratification now even more impossible

The Spectator has published the draft (HERE) of the non binding political declaration agreed so far. It does not include yet anything on fishing rights or Gibraltar - so we have to wait for the most contentious bits. I must say, on reading it one is struck just how close we intend to be in the future. It makes the likelihood of parliament voting against the deal even greater in my opinion.  

The problem is that most people, whichever way they voted in the referendum, will ask themselves: what is the point of it all? Brexiteers will say it's not Brexit at all and remainers will say if we're going to be so close we may as well be in the EU and influencing the rules that we'll be following.

Just a couple of extracts from the declaration which will have Brexiteers spluttering:

Clause 11 is about UK participation in EU Agencies which is to include, "...a fair and appropriate financial contribution".

Clause 23: The economic partnership should ensure no tariffs, fees, charges or quantitative restrictions across all sectors, with ambitious customs arrangements that, in line with the Parties’ objectives and principles above, build and improve on the single customs territory provided for in the Withdrawal Agreement which obviates the need for checks on rules of origin.

Clause 25: In this context (Regulatory Aspects], the United Kingdom will consider aligning with Union rules in relevant areas. 

And if you can't see Rees-Mogg, IDS, John Redwood, Sir Bill Cash and the rest of the swivel eyed brigade of lunatics in the House of Commons, accepting these terms, wait until the agreement on Gibraltar and fishing comes out.

"Developing an independent trade policy (Clause 4)" and obviating "the need for checks on rules of origin" are totally incompatible as far as I can see.

This declaration just made the PM's job of getting the deal ratified slightly more impossible than it already was.