Friday 9 November 2018


Jacob Rees-Mogg has been chiding those who are concerned about a no-deal outcome. In the Daily Express (HERE), which is quoting him on Robert Peston's programme talking about what happens on the 30th March 2019, he says, "It’s fanciful to think that in 24 hours all these dangerous things from the EU will come flooding in. They won’t. That’s the sort of ‘frightened of my own shadow’ approach some Remain campaigners like to take."

Apparently, Rees-Mogg told Peston: "There could indeed be bottlenecks in Calais but that’s outside the Government’s control. We wouldn’t be taking any risks because something that is coming from the European Union that is safe on March 29 will be safe on March 30".

He is a bit like Dominic Raab (HERE), but unlike him, Rees-Mogg has yet to discover how important the Dover/Calais route is.

He talks casually, as you do if you're a multi-millionaire, about people being frightened of their own shadows. In Armistice week, the Right Honourable member for the eighteenth century is starting to sound like a first world war general addressing the troops just before they are ordered over the top. 

He can retire to the safety of his bunker while we poor saps suffer. But that's how it's always been isn't it?