Wednesday 28 November 2018


We are certainly living through strange times, watching people with learning difficulties making history managing Brexit. It might be hard to explain to an alien where we are at the moment. We rejected the deal we had with the EU and voted narrowly to leave the bloc in 2016. After spending eighteen months negotiating, the government has arrived at a new deal which even those serious Brexiteers who wanted desperately to leave say is worse than staying in the EU (HERE).  Both sides, leave and remain, say it's the worst of both worlds (HERE) and (HERE).

Now the Daily Mail has commissioned a poll by Survation (HERE), which seems to show that people think the new deal is "not ideal" but it's the best on offer. That's right, the deal which is "worse than staying in" and "the worst of both worlds" is the best on offer and the best we're going to get. I really can't see how it's the best on offer when it's worse than what we've got now. How can that possibly be right? See what I mean about a strange world?  The Mail report it without question. That's how far we've come.

Couldn't we just remain?  Apparently not, that's out of the question, we had a referendum and even though we will be putting ourselves in a worse position, we must carry on.

But reading The Mail's poll we find it's not quite as clear cut as the headline suggests:

"Today’s poll asked voters whether they agreed that Mrs May’s Brexit deal was ‘not ideal but the best on offer’ – 52 per cent agreed against just 19 per cent who did not.

"Forty-four per cent said the EU would not make further concessions to the UK if Mrs May lost. Nor do voters think a new Tory leader such as Boris Johnson would do any better, with only 25 per cent saying ousting Mrs May would increase the prospects of a better deal".

But wait a minute, isn't Mrs May's deal the ONLY one on offer?  This is like the old Communist party polls where there was only one candidate on the ballot paper and the party regularly won 99% of the vote. May can only get 52% to support her deal - even when there isn't any other on offer!